Technical resources
Tekol – Teri Ltd. possesses various and numerous equipment to carry out all types of corrosion protection and the equipment for their quality control. In relation to the quantity and installed capacity of the equipment at our disposal, we can say with certainty that, at any moment, we are capable to respond to all challenges set by the market. In order to fulfill these procedures, it is of the greatest importance that all machinery is maintained according to legal requirements, manufacturer instructions and code of practice. For this purpose, a special Organizational unit within the company was established and the safety and functionality of all machinery is their main responsibility. This approach enables us, in any project regardless of its scope, to see a challenge and not a threat or problem for its successful completion.

Our equipment can be divided in 4 groups:

          • surface preparation equipment;
          • paint application equipment;
          • conditioning equipment;
          • measuring equipment and instruments.

Surface preparation equipment at our disposal enables us to prepare the surface according to all applicable and valid standards. We posses the equipment for mechanical surface preparation, abrasive surface preparation and for surface preparation with water under ultra high pressure. Also, it should be noted that we have over 300 pneumatic tools (needle guns, flat and angular grinders), more than 60 sandblasting devices and dozens of silos, multicyclone and vacuum units.
After the surface is appropriately prepared, it should be adequately protected by means of paint application equipment. Tekol – Teri possesses more than 50 paint pumps and the same number of appropriate paint guns which can be used to spray all paints regardless their type or structure.
Conditioning equipment enable us to create a necessary microclimate suitable for execution of corrosion protection operations within the confined spaces, regardless the local atmosphere conditions. In this way, we can provide ourselves with undisturbed government of our operations, quality and schedule. The company possesses dozens of heaters, dehumidifiers and fans.
In order to carry out the operations in accordance with specifications and procedures, all measuring equipment must be properly calibrated and functional. Tekol – Teri Ltd. possesses the adequate number of measuring instruments and devices which enable us to control our processes and services. Among others, we own climate measuring equipment, equipment for measuring of substrate temperature and wet and dry film thickness, paint adhesion equipment, equipment for measuring of electroconductivity and surface contamination.
